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发表于 2018-12-13 17:40:22 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
12 月 12 日,腾讯音乐娱乐集团在纽交所挂牌上市,股票代码 TME。在上市敲钟仪式当天,腾讯音乐娱乐集团 CEO 彭迦信发表致辞。

腾讯音乐娱乐集团 CEO 彭迦信
彭迦信表示:15 年前,从腾讯公司社交产品上一个在线音乐的入口,我们开启了音乐之路。此后两年,QQ 音乐、酷狗音乐、酷我音乐相继诞生,数字音乐成为我们为之专注与奋斗的事业。15 年间,在政府政策的大力支持下,腾讯音乐娱乐不断助力音乐产业共荣,并探索创新商业模式。
" 现在,我们骄傲的看到,行业已然形成了一个健康的发展生态,音乐创作蓬勃,优秀的音乐作品能够在更良好的环境里生长。在全球市场上,中国音乐也重新找回了自己的位置并稳步前行,受到越来越多的瞩目和认可。"

最后,彭迦信表示:上市是腾讯音乐娱乐的全新起点,我们将永葆初心,不忘使命,不断提升产品和服务品质,努力 " 创造音乐无限可能 ",让音乐成为每个人生活中不可或缺的伴侣和朋友。
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. I am Cussion Pang, the CEO of Tencent Music Entertainment Group. As Tencent Music Entertainment Group makes its debut on the New York Stock Exchange today, on behalf of the Group, I am honored to say a few words to reflect on this significant milestone.
Fifteen years ago, we embarked on a journey to digitize and transform the music industry in China. Our entry point was adding a music feature to Tencent's social platform. From there onward, we launched a series of stand-alone online music platforms, including QQ Music, Kugou Music, and Kuwo Music. We have been consistently driving the growth of the music industry and exploring innovative business models. At the same time, we forged industry alliances with our peers to advocate music copyright protection, establishing a better environment to nurture China ’ s music industry.
All of these efforts have now come to fruition: we are proud to be a key contributor to the movement that has led to a thriving music ecosystem in which copyright is respected and protected. This has significantly benefited all music constituents - music labels, musicians and artists - allowing them to be fully rewarded for their efforts. This has enabled creativity to thrive, and stimulated the continued creation of quality music and memorable songs.
For more than a decade in the music industry, TME has survived and thrived on many challenges and adversities in pursuit of excellence. We have built various operations across the whole music industry value chain, thus forming an ecosystem in which our entire business can flourish.
With the dedicated efforts of our 2,000-plus employees, the TME team has incubated and launched many innovative products on our all-in-one music entertainment platform, bringing the market an interactive and enjoyable user experience of discovering, listening, watching, singing, and socializing through music. The seamless integration of music content and services across our platform lets our hundreds of millions of users immerse themselves in the music they love.
But we can never succeed on our own. Our shareholders and our business partners have provided unwavering support in all seasons. Without you, we would not have been able to stand tall today at the New York Stock Exchange. On behalf of Tencent Music Entertainment Group, I thank you! Also, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all the musicians, singers, performers, audiences, and users that have helped transform the Chinese music industry.
Nevertheless, what we have achieved so far is only a small fraction of what lies ahead. We will remain true to our original aspiration and our mission -- to use technology to elevate the role of music in people ’ s lives, by enabling them to create, enjoy, share and interact with music.
Thank you! We ’ ll see you all at the opening bell ringing ceremony. Let ’ s witness this historic moment together.


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